what disqualifies you from donating platelets

= $24; 150 or more lbs.

Fibromyalgia. ).

If you are taking any of the following medications, please let us know so we can make appropriate accommodations for your safety. Taking certain medications may exclude you from donating blood, platelets or plasma. Be sure to list all medications that you take before giving blood. Talk with your health care provider before starting or stopping any medications. Antiplatelet drugs affect how platelets work. RBC only, if off anticoagulant therapy for at least one month. Quantity of platelets to donate.

= $28.

However, you should consult a physician before donating because an active infection can disqualify you from donating. Parental consent is required for blood donation by 16 year olds; 16 year olds are NOT eligible to donate platelets. For example, one automated platelet donation produces one or more complete platelet doses for a patient. If you have a background history of a certain disease, you may be disqualified. It can be a severe chronic condition or an illness caused by a transmissible virus. You will not be allowed to donate blood or plasma. Heres a list of conditions that would hinder you from being a donor, along with some common requests regarding eligibility. Those who are able to donate can make an appointment at the Kraft Center by calling 617-632-3206 or emailing blooddonor@partners.org. Fibromyositis. Acceptable after finishing oral antibiotics for an infection (bacterial or viral).

However, you must wait anywhere from 2-14 days (depending on the specific drug) before you can donate platelets.

People taking antibiotics are potential blood donors 24 hours after their last dose. It is a rare syndrome causing the lungs to begin to fail within the first six hours of receiving a blood transfusion. Antibiotics. Factor XI deficiency. If you are type AB you can make the most impact by donating plasma. In average, you may anticipate to get anything from $20 to $50 on each donation. You will not be able to give blood or platelets if you have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, or if you have lived with or had sexual contact with anybody who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C in the previous 12 months. The amount of money you're paid will be determined on the amount of plasma you're able to provide. The pregnant mother will not make antibodies against the HLA antigens that the fetus inherited from her.

You will not be eligible to donate blood or platelets if you: Have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, lived with or had sexual contact in the past 12 months with anyone who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C. Defer 21 days after exposure.

However, she can be potentially exposed to fetus paternally-inherited HLA antigens and can then potentially make antibodies against it. If youre taking antibiotics, you wont be able to donate platelets for about 24 hours after youve finished the last dose. A fever can easily disqualify you from donating plasma. Asthma, Allergy, Cold/Flu, and Infections. G6PD deficiency. Platelet donation also takes a bit longer than whole bloodso be prepared to spend two hours for your donation (dont worry, we provide you with a comfy blanket and entertainment options! What Disqualifies You From Donating Plasma? Antiplatelet drugs. Platelet donation, pregnancy, and TRALI explained. Have ever had a positive test for the AIDS virus. These conditions will only be a problem if youre not Platelet donation, pregnancy, and TRALI explained. Accept for platelets. FAQs about Donating Platelets Who can donate platelet? Anticoagulants, or blood thinners, prevent blood from clotting.

You will not be eligible to donate blood or platelets if you: Have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, lived with or had sexual contact in the past 12 months with anyone who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C. What disqualifies you from donating platelets?

They cannot be given at a blood drive. Platelet donation uses a machine to extract just your platelets and then returns the rest of your blood back to you. From start to finish, it takes about three hours to donate platelets. Factor XII deficiency.


If you are taking Arixtra, Coumadin, or heparin, you cannot donate since they will cause blood to clot abnormally.

Some medications affect your eligibility as a blood donor, due to the following reasons: Anti-platelet agents : affect platelet function, so people taking these drugs should not donate platelets for the indicated time; however, you may still be able to donate whole blood. Nonaspirin: You can donate platelets if you have taken ibuprofen or other nonaspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Here's a guideline for weight-based payment tiers: 110 to 149 lbs. Are a man who has had sex with another man in the past 3 months. Centers will require you to answer a series of questions before each donation to make sure you're in good health and don't have any of the following: A current illness including a fever, cough, or general feeling of unwellness A full platelet donation session provides enough platelets for a full therapeutic dose of one patient in need. You CANNOT take aspirin for 48 hours before you donate platelets, because aspirin reduces the potency and performance of your platelets. They can be prescribed to help prevent strokes or Anticoagulants. Certain donation centers will allow more frequent donations, though a 2010 study found that plasma from frequent donors was lower in protein, albumin, and other blood markers. You will not be eligible to donate blood or platelets if you: Had a tattoo in the past 3 months or received a blood transfusion (except with your own blood) in the past 3 months. Platelet donations are done using a process called automation (sometimes referred to as apheresis).

Not everyone can donate plasma. Food Poisoning. Defer for 72 hours after symptoms stop.

What Medications Disqualify You From Donating Plasma. Antiplatelet drugs affect how platelets work. Special Caution: Many medications contain aspirin, so check the container carefully before making a platelet donation. 4.

No plasma or platelets.

While you dont need to wait to donate blood with these, you must wait at least 7 days after taking them to donate platelets.

Generally, you need to be in good health.

All blood types, except for type O negative and type B negative, are encouraged to try platelet donation.

If you take NSAIDS, such as ibuprofen, you will not be able to donate platelets for 48 hours after your last dose.

What medications disqualify you from donating blood/plasma? 1.

No parental consent is required for those who are at least 17 years old. However, it takes four to six whole blood donations to yield a single platelet therapeutic dose. Aspirin: You cannot donate platelets if you have taken aspirin in the last 48 hours.

Fifth Disease. Those on anti-platelet 5) Blood thinners.

In general, to donate platelets, you should be: At least 17 years old 110 pounds or heavier Feel well and healthy And you should not: Have taken any aspirin, or drugs containing aspirin (such as Anacin, Excedrin, or Feldene), or had a dental procedure,

Genital Donors who are taking antibiotics can donate 24 hours after their last dose.

Defer for blood. A donor with an acute infection should not donate. What Medications Disqualify You From Donating Plasma.

Automation allows us to collect specific components of your blood at a larger volume. Accept.

Some platelet donations provide enough platelets for two, three, or even four therapeutic doses. Antibiotics. Accept. Giving Platelets and Hope to Cancer Patients. Type O negative and type B negative can make the most impact for patients in need by continuing to give whole blood or a Power Red donation. Permanent deferral.

Why Do Some Groups of Medications Disqualify You From Donating Blood?

The reason for antibiotic use must be evaluated to determine if the donor has a bacterial infection that could be transmissible by blood. You can only donate blood 7 days after you discontinue these medications. They can be prescribed to help prevent strokes or heart attacks. If you take any of these, you may not be eligible to donate platelets for a certain time period. You may still be able to donate whole blood. Do not donate if the drug was taken in the last Anticoagulants, or blood thinners, prevent blood from clotting. Many medications dont affect blood donation, but certain ones can disqualify you from donating platelets. Below, weve listed the most common reasons that can disqualify you from donating plasma.

Acne treatments.

If you are 76 or older, you will need your doctors written approval for blood or platelet donation. Recent Sickness.

Why cant mothers donate platelets? TRALI is an acronym meaning transfusion-related acute lung injury.

what disqualifies you from donating platelets